Jeremy Simpson

Email Address
[email protected]
Research Areas
Research Keywords
Research Description

My lab works on cardio-respiratory physiology and pathophysiology. More specifically, we focus more on limb and heart muscle and how they adapt and respond to exercise and a variety of physiological and pathological states, such as aging, sex differences, and models of heart failure.

Research Summary

My lab conducts research on several areas related to cardio-respiratory physiology and pathophysiology. For example, we are studying: 1) how the heart initially adapts to hypertension before the development of contractile dysfunction and heart failure; 2) skeletal and cardiomyocyte cell signalling during normal and hypoxic conditions; 3) proteomic alterations that occur in limb muscles during exercise; 4) key post-translational modifications of myofilament proteins that arise during the development of whole muscle dysfunction as a result of fatigue or ischemia; and, 5) dyastolic dysfunction in various physiological and pathological states, such as aging, sex differences, and models of heart failure.

Techniques Used

I use classical physiology combined with proteomic techniques.

Locations of international collaborators

University of Kentucky, Washington University in St. Louis (USA); University Grenoble Alpes (France); Maastricht University (The Netherlands)

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