Keyword: Communities and populations

Tess Grainger

In my lab, we're interested in understanding: 1) the interactions between species’ ecological and evolutionary responses to global changes such as warming, invasive species and habitat fragmentation; 2) how coexistence theory can integrate a broader range of competitive outcomes and be applied to questions beyond local coexistence; 3) the role of timing in community assembly; and 4) how local within-patch dynamics and dispersal jointly drive species diversity, and how global changes such as warming and habitat fragmentation are changing this.

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Joey Bernhardt

We aim to advance our fundamental understanding of the drivers of biodiversity change and the consequences of these changes for human well-being. Our research advances a solution to this research challenge by studying the processes that unite all of life on Earth – the metabolic processes by which living systems uptake, store and convert energy, matter and information from their environments to grow and persist. We combine theory, experiments and synthesis to study how living systems change as the environment changes, and what these changes mean for human well-being.

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