Marica Bakovic

Email Address
[email protected]
Research Areas
Research Keywords
Research Description

My research focuses on the metabolism of lipids. More specifically, I work at cellular and molecular scales to understand the regulation of cell membrane phospholipids, fatty acids, and methyl-group donors.

Research Summary

My background is in molecular and cell biology of lipid metabolism. Currently, my students and I work on the regulation of membrane phospholipids, fatty acids, and methyl-group donors. More specifically, we look at regulation of genes involved in choline transport and phospholipid metabolism; nutrient transporters and kinetics of membrane transport; molecular and cell biology of lipids; the effect of nutrients on protein synthesis and gene expression; and, nutritional genomics (nutrigenomics) of risk factors for cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance.

Locations of international collaborators

Odense University Hospital (Denmark); Heinrich-Heine University, Leipzig University (Germany); MNG Laboratories (USA).

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